Saturday, May 5, 2007

Theme 1: Reading One

Jonassen. D. (2006). Modeling with technology: Mindtools for conceptual change (3rd ed). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall.

Chapter Two; Model Building with Mindtools

Jonassen, states that when a Mindtool is being used, knowledge is constructed by the leaner not provided by the teacher. Mindtools are just that: tools for engaging the mind. The principal purpose of modelling is the construction and revision of conceptual understanding, that is conceptual change. Mindtools are generaliseable computer tools that are intended to engage and facilitate cognitive processing. What can be modelled; domain knowledge, systems, problems, experiences (stories) and thinking (cognitive simulations). Constructing models facilitates intense cognitive and social activities that result in conceptual change.

Limitations of model building
Model building is very demanding for learners requiring the integration of multiple sources of information. Different kinds of modelling tools require different building of intellectual development. Models only represent interpretations of phenomena in the world however misconceptions prevail about models.

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