Saturday, August 11, 2007

Theme 4: Reading Two

Klopfer, E., Yoon, S. & Um, T. (Summer 2005). Teaching complex dynamic systems to young students with StarLogo. Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching. 24 (2), 157.

This research article reports on how a modelling programme called StarLogo helps students to learn about complex systems and scientific methodology. StarLogo modelling encourages playful design and exploration. The authors suggest that students at an early age develop deep-rooted misconceptions about science. They assert that the linear nature of investigation and quest for the right answer is a focus of traditional teaching of scientific methods.

StarLogo helps “teachers and students investigate complex systems through designing, building, and analyzing models of physical and social phenomena using multiple variables interacting at any given time.” StarLogo also introduces students to the concepts of computing programming and modelling.

Two groups of students aged 10-11 years and 12-13 years used StarLogo over seven weeks covering several modelling projects. The researchers also required subject teachers from technology, mathematics and science to provide scaffolding activities so students became familiar with the StarLogo programme.

The authors wanted to find answers to the following research questions;
1. What do younger students learn with this set of educational technology tools?
2. How do younger students respond to the open-ended nature of the Adventures in Modeling curriculum?
3. How can the curriculum be adapted to better meet the needs of younger students?

The authors used the follow methods to gathering data;
a) Student projects posted on a discussion board were reviewed by researchers,
b) Paperback note books allowed students to write daily entries,
c) Video taping of student interviews and classroom participation/behaviour, and
d) Online surveys completed by students.

The results showed support for using StarLogo with students younger than high school and even middle school levels. Students aged 10-11 years were particularly creative with their modelling. The authors suggested that more research should be conducted on trying to find out how to integrate appropriate play activities for middle school (12-13 years). I enjoyed reading this article because it introduced me to another way of approaching science investigations.

Theme 4: Reading One

Tan, S.C., Yeo, A.C.J, & Lim, W.Y. (Winter 2005). Changing epistemology of science learning through inquiry with computer-supported collaborative learning. Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching. 24 (4). p367.

The aim of this research is to move away from learning about science towards learning to be scientists. This is also a focus of the New Zealand draft Science curriculum of looking at the nature of science. Science teaching that involves more open investigations where students create knowledge as opposed to a teacher-centred classroom. The authors advocate the need to “change the epistemology of the learning of science from instructivism to one of social constructivist learning”.

The research goal was to determine whether a Science Research course designed with an inquiry-learning approach and complemented by a computer-supported collaborative learning environment helped to develop students’ abilities to think and act in ways associated with inquiry. The authors used Knowledge Forum as an online platform for collaborative inquiry.

Groups of 3-4 students carried out 3 different investigations (Mysterious Journeys, Life of a Raisin & Candle Activity) under the guidance of a teacher. Each investigative activity focused on certain process skills (identify variables, operationally defining variables, stating hypothesis, graphing and interpreting data, and designing investigations). Students used Knowledge Forum to discuss their ideas.

To measure and compare the students’ scientific inquiry skills a pre and post test was administered before and after the Science Research course (Test for Integrated Process Skills II). Student participation in Knowledge Forum was also analysed in the research.

The research was carried out on high achieving secondary school students (grades 7 to 10) in Singapore. The research showed a significant improvement in the post-survey to pre-survey results in the scientific process skills. Students also used Knowledge Form to express their ideas allowing them to socially construct knowledge. The authors suggest that the small sample size was the main limitation of the research.

I enjoyed this article because the research could easily be conducted at my place of work. The New Zealand draft curriculum focuses on teaching the nature of science which places more emphasis on scientific inquiry skills which is GOOD thing considering the ‘sandpit’ scientific reasoning which goes on in some media.

Theme 3: Reading Two

Dobbins, B.D. & Berge, Z.L. (2006). Support for distance education and training. Distance Learning, 3(1), 1-8.

E-learning allows the scope of the education offered by an institution of higher education to expand exponentially while keeping expenses per student far lower than what is possible in a traditional classroom environment. E-learning is a tremendous educational resource that allows an organisation, whether a commercial firm or university, to serve a larger and more diverse student body than would be possible with a traditional classroom format.

The principle drawback of e-learning is that it requires both a computer and internet access. Studies indicate that e-learning students view the teacher as a very important source of support during the e-learning process. Teacher encouragement of peer tutoring also will have a significant impact on both student performance and their prospects for successful course completion.

Theme 3: Reading One

Ham, V., Williamson-Leadley, S. & Toubat, H. (2006). National trends in teacher participation in ICTPD cluster programmes, 1999-2006: Results from the baseline surveys. Interim report to the Ministry of Education.

In general, the entry skills in ICT of teachers joining the ICTPD programmes have varied significantly according to particular ICTs. Generally teachers’ entry point skill levels have been low, but have steadily increased from cohort to cohort, especially with regard to the use of the internet and word processing. By 2006 the great majority of teachers entered the ICTPD programme with at least moderate skills in word processing and the Internet, but rather lower skill levels in other ICTs. The general increase in skill levels across cohorts would indicate that there has been a moderate ‘ICT upskilling effect’ occurring in the general teaching population, independent of the ICTPD cluster programmes.

Entry levels of ICT usage for lesson planning and preparation have also increased over time, with the Internet and lowered processing again featuring much more highly in 2006 than 1999. In 2006 more than half (52%) of the cohort had used ICTs ‘often’ or ‘always’ for general school administration, before the PD programme. This again would indicate a general increase in usage for these two purposes nationwide that is occurring independent of the cluster programmes.